Criteria for Promotion VI to VIII

Criteria for Promotion VI to VIII For The Session 2012-2013

Promotion will be granted on the basis of the whole year’s performance of the student in the C.C.E. (Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation) which is a system of evaluation of students that covers all aspects of student development.

C.C.E is a process to provide holistic profi le of the learner through regular assessment of both scholastic as well as co-scholastic areas.

Scholastic areas include:- formative and summative assessment. Each term will have two formative and one summative assessment.

Co-scholastic activities include:- Literary, aesthetic skills & performing skills and clubs. Health and physical education will also form an integral part of this assessment.

Co-Scholastic areas will be assessed on : a) life skills b) attitudes & values.

The above will be evaluated and graded.

The Session will be spread over 2 terms, one from April 2012 to September 2012 and second from October 2012 to March 2013.

Assessment will be both Formative and Summative assessment.
The weightage is given below:


Type of Assessment

% age of weightage in academic session

Terms wise weightage


First Term (April-Sept)

Formative Assessment – 1


Formative Assessment 1+2=20%

Formative=40% Summative=60% Total= 100%

Formative Assessment -2


Summative Assessment -1


Summative Assessment – 1=30%

Second Term (Oct-March)

Formative Assessment –3


Formative Assessment 3+4=20%

Formative Assessment –4


Summative Assessment –2


Summative Assessment-2=30%

Formative Assessment will be on the basis of Weekly Tests, Assignments, C.W., H.W., Practicals, Projects, Oral Testing, Quiz, Experiments and other activities in class.

Summative assessment will be carried out at the end of each term. This will be a term end exam i.e. fi rst and second term exam.

Operational Modalities

The students performance shall be assessed using conventional method of numerical marking in English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Social Science, Computer and Third Language.

Each assessment will be indicated in grades.


The grading scale will be on a nine point scale as per table below
Marks Range Grade
91-100 A1
81-90 A2
71-80 B1
61-70 B2
51-60 C1
41-50 C2
33-40 D
21-32 E1
0-20 E2
Grade Grade Points
A 4.1 – 5.0
B 3.1 – 4.0
C 2.1 – 3.0
D 1.1 – 2.0
E 0. – 1.0

Minimum qualifying grade in all subjects under Scholastic Domain is D.

Co-Scholastic attainments will be done on 5 point Scale (shown in the table below). It will be done once in a session.

  • The students who obtain a qualifying grade (D & above) in all subjects shall be awarded a qualifying certifi cate.
  • Students who obtain grades E1, E2 shall have to improve their performance through one subsequent attempt.
  • Those who get qualifying grades shall be eligible for promotion to the next class.
  • Those candidates who are not able to get qualifying grade (D and above) in all the subjects shall not be permitted for admission/promotion to the next class.
  • Exemptions available to differently abled students as per CBSE rule shall continue to apply.

Criteria for Promotion IX – X

Students of Classes IX – X will undergo Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) as recommended by CBSE, spread over two terms, one from April 2012 to September 2012 and the second from October 2012 to March 2013.

The students will be assessed in Scholastic as well as Co-scholastic areas

Scholastic Areas:

The students will be assessed and graded for Scholastic areas- English, II Language, Mathematics, Science, Social Science and the additional subject- Fundamentals of Information Technology.

The Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment both in these subjects will be part of School Based Assessment. Formative Assessment (FA) will be done on the basis of Weekly Tests, Assignments, Projects, Oral testing, Quiz. Home-work and other activities in the class. Summative Assessment (SA) is the Terminal Assessment of performance at the end of a term. This will be an End Term Exam.

The pattern of assessment (with weightage) is given below:

  • First Term FA1 (10%) + FA2 (10%) + SA1 (30%) = 50%
  • Second Term FA3 (10%) + FA4 (10%) + SA2 (30%) = 50%

To qualify in a subject under Scholastic Areas, a candidate must obtain minimum of Grade D.

Those candidates who have obtained Grade E1 or E2 in the subjects under Scholastic Areas shall have to improve their performance to qualify the subject(s).

A candidate must obtain a minimum of Grade D in all the subjects under Scholastic areas excluding additional 6th subject as per Scheme of Studies for promotion to next class.


Grading System for Scholastic Areas (Grading on 9 point Scale)
91-100 A1 10
81-90 A2 9
71-80 B1 8
61-70 B2 7
51-60 C1 6
41-50 C2 5
33-40 D 4
21-32 E1

Evaluation of Co-Scholastic Areas

In addition to Scholastic Areas the following Co-Scholastic areas and activities will be also be evaluated and graded.

  • Life Skills: Thinking Skills, Social Skills, Emotional Skills
  • Work Education
  • Visual and Performing Arts
  • Attitude and Values Towards
  • Teachers, School Mates, School Programs & Environment and Values Systems.

Co.-Scholastic Activities

1. Any two of the following will be assessed:

  • Literary & Creative Skills (LCT)
  • Scientific Skills (SCT)
  • Information and Technology (ICT)
  • Organization & Leadership Skills (Clubs)


2. Health and Physical Activities:

  • Sports/Indigenous sports
  • Yoga


Grades and grade points will be awarded in Co-Scholastic Areas as per the table below:
A 4.1 – 5.0 5
B 3.1-4.0 4
C 2.1-3.0 3
D 1.1-2.0 2
E 0.1-1.0 1
The maximum grade points which a student can obtain in co-scholastic areas and activities becomes 65 as per table below:
S. No. Domains Grade points in Co-Scholastic Areas/ Activities
1 Life Skills 3×5 =15
2 Work Education 1×5=5
3 Visual & Performing Arts 1×5=5
4 Attitude & Values 4×5=20
5 Co-scholactic activities 2×5=10
6 Health & Physical Education 2×5=10

Overall performance of the students is based on the achievement in the Scholastic and Co-Scholastic areas both as follows:

Under Scholastic Area, Grades will be upscaled to the next higher grade in one or two subjects as per the total Grade points achieved under Co- Scholastic Areas 2(A), 2(B), 2(C), 2(D) and Co-Scholastic Activities 3(A), 3(B) as given below:

  • 53 to 65: Grade in two Subjects of scholastic areas to be upscaled
  • 40 to 52: Grade in one subject of Scholastic area to be upscaled.
  • 39 and below: No upscaling of Grade in the subject of Scholastic Areas.
  • Upscaling will be done from lower Grade to higher Grade.
  • No grade in a subject of Scholastic area will be upscaled twice.
  • The upscaled grade will be shown with Exemptions available to Differently Abled students as per CBSE rules will apply.
  • The promotion policy as stated in CBSE Circular No. 09/2012 dated January 19th, 2012 will apply till further guidelines are received.